Sex may make you smarter and improve your memory. Several peer reviewed articles have shown improvements in cognitive function and decreases in stress. An article in the April 2013 issue of Hippocampus written by Glasper ER1, Gould E from the University of Maryland, found that having sex could actually cause new neuron production and improve hippocampal… Read More
This November 16, 2016 This November 25, 2016 newspaper article written by Bill Hanna in the Dallas Fort Worth Star Telegram talks about the problems with rural hospitals closing in Texas. Excerpts In some areas of West Texas and the Texas Panhandle, the nearest hospital can be as far as an hour away. Since 2013,… Read More
This 2017 Business insider brief looks at how much you have to earn to rent a two-bedroom house. With the minimum wage sitting at $10.00/ hour, you have to make nearly twice that and more than three times that in some states to pay rent for a modest house. This brief article comments… Read More
“Impact of Marijuana Legalization in Colorado on Adolescent Emergency Visits” was an abstracted presented Monday, May 8,2017 at American Academy of Pediatrics meeting in San Francisco. The study looked at the number of emergency department visits before after marijuana legalization. The results are fairly disturbing as the number of visits has dramatically increased. With marijuana… Read More
Maybe it might be wise for some high school graduates to skip college and learn a trade like construction or retail management. This June 27, 2017 article examines how 84 Lumber Co and several other firms belief that learning a trade may be more valuable then a college degree. One of the nation’s largest… Read More
A CNBC report June 27, 2017 reports that looks at the problems and difficulties with high deductible health plans. This is a significant problem as healthcare moves forward potentially destabilizing the entire healthcare delivery system and safety net. More than two-thirds of patients aren’t paying their entire hospital bills, and that number could increase to… Read More
A small study published in a 2002 issue of European Urology looked at whether bicycle riding was associated with erectile dysfunction. The very small study of 20 young men between age 21 and 31 years of age had difficulties and often times the difficulties were associated with the type of seat or saddle. The article… Read More
The CDC has been studying the Flu vaccine effectiveness (VE) regularly assess since 2003-4 to confirm the value of flu vaccination as a public health intervention. Unfortunately, the flue vaccine effectiveness has not been that high as seen in this CDC table. It is interesting that the influenza vaccine has very limited effectiveness and is often… Read More
This is a great Op-ed from a radiologist who understands the health economics effecting patient care that was published in the Wall Street Journal. Just after World War II, there were 1.4 million hospital beds available in the U.S. The most recent estimates show fewer than 900,000 beds, even though the nation’s population has grown… Read More
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