An article written by myself, Dr. Paul Kivela back in 2010. Like many of you, I grew up with football. I would cheer and applaud the big hits. In high school, college and especially the pros, people worried about broken bones and joint injuries. With helmets, we rarely worried about head injuries, but now, things have… Read More
December marks not just the beginning of the holiday season but also the beginning of the flu season. Although there are variances, December is typically when the first cases of influenza are seen. Often time the peak is in January through March. Source: Medically Sound: News about the flu… Read More
Queen of the Valley Medical Center emergency room physician Dr. Paul Kivela will play in the Speedgolf World Championships Saturday and Sunday at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort in Bandon, Ore. Source: Napa physician set for Speedgolf World Championships… Read More
We all expected influenza to hit and finally it is here. It coincides with the peak of February and March 2015. Most of the strains this year are supposedly covered by the flu vaccine however, many of the people we have seen with the flu report receiving this year’s vaccine. Certainly, no vaccine is 100%… Read More
Very cool and succinct article by Josh Farkas on lactate and recommendations for sepsis The article’s summary bullet points are Lactate production in septic shock is not due to anaerobic metabolism or low oxygen delivery. It is largely driven by endogenous epinephrine stimulating aerobic glycolysis via beta-2 adrenergic receptors. Lactate may have a protective effect,… Read More
This study compares prevalence and trends in marijuana use and marijuana use disorder from the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions with those from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Over the past decade with the easing of state laws, the use of marijuana has increased by almost 20%. However, based… Read More
You head back to the gym after a layoff and you are definitely sore the next day. But then you head back to gym and you are less sore after the 2nd workout. People often wonder why they are less sore after successive workouts. A Study in January 2016 at BYU may now shed some… Read More
Healthcare is a beast and industry that is quite different from many others. If you are an uber rider and your driver is rude or gets lost, you likely wont die. Also where as Uber has stumbled with regulations, healthcare is probably the most regulated industry in the United States. This article looks at whether… Read More
The anxiety from medical malpractice claims can be overwhelming. It is not uncommon or unheard of that doctors practice defensive medicine, are consumed with anxiety when they are sued, that lawsuits have lead to divorce, burnout, and even suicide. A RAND article looked at The Doctors Company data and concluded that the average physician spends… Read More