This quick JAMA infographic from December 13, 2016 looks at firearm deaths in the United States and globally from 1990 to 2015. The burden of firearms—excluding self-harm and accidental deaths—for the top 5 countries by GDP, global deaths per 100,000 people, the relationship of firearm death rates to Socio-demographic Index (SDI) quintiles, and the distribution… Read More
Adrenaclick, a similar epinephrine auto-injecting device, now available nationwide at CVS pharmacies. CVS Pharmacy announced January 12, 2016 that they have partnered with Impax Laboratories to market a generic epinephrine auto-injector for $109.99 for a two-pak. This is much less then Mylan’s Epipen two-pack prices, which list for more than $600 as a brand name… Read More
I believe there is an issue in states where state legislatures have passed “balance billing” or “surprise medical bill” regulations. I believe that we need to consider aggressively challenging the legality of those laws and regulations. Constitutional Arguments of the Violation of 5th and 14th Amendments I believe that there is significant case law that… Read More
A January 2017 Health Affairs article concludes that the bigger the health insurer, the lower the prices it can negotiate from physician groups. The findings are evidence that consolidation among health insurers affects payments to physicians Large insurers with market shares of 15% paid 21% less than small insurers with shares of less than 5%… Read More
Americans in this decade are less likely than in the prior decade to say they want to lose weight. This gallup study combined with data from the CDC show taht nearly half of all Americans dont realize they are overweight. Source: Fewer Americans in This Decade Want to Lose Weight… Read More
THis JAMA Internal Medicine article concludes that states that have medical marijuana have lower opiate overdose death rates. It is no secret that the number of patients with noncancer pain who receive opiate prescriptions has nearly doubled in the past decade. As this has occurred, the number of opiate overdoses and deaths has similarly peaked. … Read More
This JAMA Viewpoint article discusses the cognitive processes that inform clinical judgment and suggests that video games training might improve cognitive abilities and reshape clinical intuition, promote self-efficacy, and improve clinical decision making among physicians. Serious games, which attempt to transform behavior deliberately, are being adopted in several arenas. The military has spent hundreds of… Read More
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends use of low- to moderate-dose statins for primary prevention in adults aged 40 to 75 years who have 1 or more CVD risk factors (dyslipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, or smoking) and a calculated 10-year CVD event risk of 10% or greater (B recommendation). The USPSTF also recommends that clinicians… Read More
This November 10, 2016 NEJM article reviews 4 large studies and concludes that exercise and a healthy diet and reduction of unhealthy habits like smoking can counteract genetic predispositions. A new analysis of data from more than 55,000 people provides an answer. It finds that by living right — by not smoking, by exercising moderately… Read More