This 10 July 2017 Article by Amal Mattu in Western Journal of Emergency Medicine warns that hyperkalemia might be a cause of bradycardia and to consider calcium in resistant bradycardia. The obvious answer to the question posed in the title is “yes,” but the actual ECG findings that predict adverse events are apparently not well… Read More
A February 20, 2018 issue of Modern Healthcare reported on a letter that Consolidation throughout the healthcare industry was increasing costs by driving more care from private offices to the more expensive location of hospitals, the Physicians Advocacy Institute warned in a letter to Congress. Healthcare organizations have been joining forces to try to get ahead of the… Read More
This year’s deadly flu epidemic has led to a lot of questions of why we are seeing cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarctions, airway swelling, and increased deaths. What is even more alarming is that these events are occurring in relatively young people. One of the the theories being put forth is that this is being caused… Read More